Sweet Potato Wedges

Get your chip fix in a much healthier way with these easy wedges

Kcalories per serve 154 / ProtEin 2.3g

Serves: 2 Cook time: 45 Mins


1 large sweet potato, skin on

1 Tbsp Olive Oil

1/2 tsp Garlic Powder

1/2 tsp Paprika

1 tsp Fresh Rosemary, Finely Chopped

1 tsp Sea Salt


Preheat oven to 200C

  1. Cut potato into wedge shapes, keeping the skin on

2. Place on a baking sheet with baking paper and drizzle with the oil

3. In a small bowl mix together garlic, paprika and rosemary. Rub into the potato wedges

4. Roast for 30-40 minutes, until charred and crispy on the edges

5. Take out and sprinkle the salt over

Serve with Homemade Healthier Tatziki


enjoy xx