AGE: 33
1) What is your passion outside of work?
My passion outside of work would be kid free dinners with friends!!!!
2) Tell us what your personal strengths are?
My strengths are encouraging people to dream and believe in themselves again and helping people understand naturally curly hair and how to style it!
3) What do you love most about yourself?
My family and my home. I have 3 girls Adaline 5, Audrey 7 and Eadie 9, the most faithful man and my biggest support, Ronnie. We live backing onto the bush in North Nowra and it feels like I wake up in a tree house everyday, it's something that causes me to stop daily at the beauty of nature and creation, and the diversity we have in Australia.
4) Can you share with us something about yourself that not many people know?
Something you don't know... Our middle daughter Audrey was named Andi at birth, about 6 months in we felt it wasn't right and legally changed her name to Audrey!
5) How long have you been an RM ONLINE Member?
I have been a member of RM Online for a I have no idea, but I have loved every minute of it!
6) How have you changed after becoming an RM ONLINE Member?
How have I changed? I have begun my journey to becoming someone who can meditate! I have a very fast wandering and a problem solving mind, which doesn't help in this area. Using the guided meditations and the live 10min at the end of the workout have helped me so much. I feel this will be a lifelong quest, but RM has helped me begin and stick at it!
7) What do you love most about RM ONLINE?
That my friends can join in too! Now that lockdown is over my GF Catherine, who is also a member, comes over some mornings for the live sessions! Makes it way more fun to be sweaty and red cheeked together!
8) Is there a story you would like to share with us about an experience in life?
A life experience I would love to share with you... for my 21st birthday I backpacked Vietnam solo and had a wild experience! It was exciting and scary, I made stuff ups and missed trains, was asked by a taxi driver if he could kiss me while I was alone in a taxi..(ARH!!!!) clothes tailor made and hiked through the mountains in Sapa. All in all I would totally do it again.
The older I am getting I am more grateful for spaces like RM online, where the focus is about staying active and holistically well. In my 20's it was all about trying to stay skinny and look the right way, but now I feel I can breathe and enjoy life and who I am more because Rachelle has given me tools to build a healthy life, mind, body and spirit!
Thanks Rachelle